"Modern teens are growing up in a culture that has changed significantly since the ‘90s. If they aren’t questioning their own sexuality, they have friends who are. They’re living in a society where Will Smith’s son, Jaden, is modeling Louis Vuitton’s womenswear and where there are so many letters in the current LGBTQ+ initialism (LGBTTQQIAAP) that it’s simpler to use a plus sign than to list all of them. It’s no longer as big of a deal to explore what it means to be gay or bisexual. Young people now tend to be more focused on the newer terms represented by the acronym: queer, questioning, intersex, ally, asexual, and pansexual."
“[Y]ou don’t have to label your sexuality; so many kids these days are not labeling their sexuality and I think that’s so cool… If you like something one day, then you do, and if you like something else the other day, it’s whatever. You don’t have to label yourself because it’s not set in stone. It’s so fluid.”
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